a blog by DN | Kyoto. London. Sao Paulo. | WE Connect

Far Away Places

 Old Street London

Bright Eyes

Contax T2 PORTRA 400VC

Juxtaposition 2012

Hey there, Happy New Years! It's been a while since I posted, and I wanted to start the year with something fresh and special. I finally found something interesting to post aside from the billion photos I took these past few weeks.

Here we have a piece I call Juxtaposition (for those who are unfamiliar with it's meaning; an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. ) 
this image seems like a painting of a girl and her grandfather crossing a bridge to a park

but in reality if we move to the original crop we can see that the trees look kind of different

now once we convert the colours
then flip the image upside down, we can see it's just a simple image of the park nearby Yasaka Shrine, here in Kyoto.

amazing right, how water distorts colours and how the water reflects the light and creates these amazing colours we see.

I love to experiment with photography and I hope this year I can learn more, share and explore this world through a lens.

w△rks by Laura and Den